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The road to wellness begins right here, right now.
Welcome to Andara Acupuncture in San Diego
Harmonize. Strengthen. Restore. These words reflect our intention as traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Andara Acupuncture emphasizes the awakening and centering of all levels of total wellbeing. By aligning the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of oneself, we can not only address disease or physical imbalance directly, but we can also prevent it.
Traditional & Esoteric Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine in history, with recorded instances dating as far back as 2,000 years. Acupuncture is an effective strategy to treat a wide variety of illnesses and conditions ranging from weight loss and smoking cessation to pain and infertility.
In addition to offering traditional acupuncture at our clinic in San Diego, we also provide Esoteric Acupuncture which focuses on prevention, wellness, and spiritual growth. It combines various elements of alchemy, astrology, sacred geometry, the Kabalistic tree of life, and the Hindu Chakra system with Traditional Chinese Acupuncture points and philosophies to support one’s physical wellness and spiritual evolution; generating a higher awareness of one’s interconnectedness to the global and cosmic community. In Esoteric Acupuncture we use thinner needles retained for longer periods of time and positioned more superficially than with Traditional Acupuncture. Points are inserted in a specific encoding pattern and sequence corresponding to the Chakra of the pattern being applied. As a result, treatments tend to feel much deeper and far reaching than Traditional Acupuncture, as each pattern leads to a balanced state of harmony throughout all levels of your being…emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. Esoteric Acupuncture is best known for being able to balance and fine-tune the whole body on an energetic level and especially benefits individuals interested in exploring and deepening their spiritual growth.
We also use other therapeutic treatment modalities such as cupping, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, gua sha, tui na massage, and auricular (ear) acupuncture.
$75 for one hour treatment, which includes acupuncture, cupping, neuromuscular stimulation, LED Red Light Therapy, and Gua Sha.
$50 for cupping, neuromuscular stimulation, LED Red Light Therapy, and gua sha only. No acupuncture.
Microneedling using the AcuLift Micropen is a minimally invasive aesthetics treatment that harnesses your skin’s innate healing powers to improve its health and appearance. The AcuLift Micropen system promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin which are responsible for skin structure and elasticity. As we age, these fibers break down and can cause wrinkles.
The AcuLift Micropen system uses extremely fine, sterile needles to penetrate the skin just enough to stimulate collagen and elastin production without permanent injury to the skin. With minimal pain and downtime, a series of 4-6 monthly treatments can produce results that last for five years. Results are sometimes apparent after one treatment and will continue to progress for several months after your last treatments.
Microneedling is an alternative to injections and surgery to address skin conditions such as:
Fine Lines
Acne Scars
Skin Laxity
Enlarged Pores
Crows feet and lip wrinkles
Dark Spots- Melasma
Stretch Marks
Hair Restoration
Cost of one full face/neck/chest treatment is $200 per session. All sessions include acupuncture, infrared light therapy, and skin booster infusion to enhance the benefits of your microneedling treatment.
80k Ultrasonic Body Cavitation for sculpting & slimming
Ultrasonic cavitation is a body contouring treatment that is used to remove fat deposits under your skin. The treatment uses ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells, which are then absorbed into your body by your lymphatic system. In addition to body sculpting, benefits include skin tightening, improved skin elasticity, and minimized wrinkles.
$60 Per Area (abdomen, thighs, etc). $200 for 4 Treatments
One hour treatment includes 6 Pole Radio Frequency, 80k Cavitation Fat Burner, 3D Vacuum + Rf, and EMS/Infrared Light therapy. Recommended frequency for maximum effect is 8-12 sessions.
About Cara
Cara Dinote, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist who received her Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine…